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[vc_row][vc_column][vc_row_inner seqspeed=”150″][vc_column_inner width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]You and your guests will be transported into the enchantment of the musical “Singing In the Rain.” As your guests enter, the anticipation of a special evening begins to build as their eyes are swept to the large theater style entrance and marquee encircled by colorful lights.

The marquee proclaims Now Showing: Singing In the Rain. The entrance to the ballroom has a park-like feel with lovely old fashioned street lights benches and ficus trees.

As your guests enter they gasp in delight as they find themselves on, that same enchanted street where some of Gene Kelly’s most memorable scenes took place.

They have been taken from the present back to a charming 1940’s spring evening In New York. On second glance they notice that the street Is actually a backdrop for the stage and is complete with three buildings, one of which Is a theater playing “Singing In the Rain.” MGM projections above the buildings give the impression of depth and ‘city lights.

On each of the two side walls are two light projections of Gene Kelly swinging from a lamp post with “Singing In The Rain” between the figures.

The buffet tables, overflowing with sumptuous food, are highlighted by a large floral arrangements, galoshes and an umbrella centerpiece. The tables are adorned with a themed centerpiece and even a yellow “raincoat” Vinyl overlay.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row]